Friday, October 28, 2005

Flickr user feedback

Vooraleer we daadwerkelijk beginnen met de ontwikkeling is het misschien eens interessant ons oor te luister te leggen bij de flickr gebruikers. Waar hebben die noodzaak aan? Hoe willen zij onze site gebruiken? Wat moet er mogelijk zijn met de photoset viewer?

Bij deze :

Ik ben razendbenieuwd naar de reacties.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Decided !

Yesterday we decided to go for "the upcoming combo google maps" idea. We worked on it last task for interface and really saw some opportunities. Well it sounds impressive and it is, but in development it's still ok because we found some really nice open source tools that can help us. Who doens't love the great open source community?!

Take a look at this awesome flash google maps application ==> . Cool isn't it ?

So the first things now is to do some research about and, and test some users on it. How do the users experience the sites, with that information in mind we can start thinking how we are going to develop our site.

We also devided the different roles in our team. Lev takes the role of designer, me(Jesse) developer and frederik is the analyst. This doesn't mean that I'm gonna do all the developing - you wish - but it means looking at the use cases I have to put myself in the role of the developer and look of the feasability of the project. Can we develop this in a that certain time amount? So as a team we keep a close eye on all the different aspects of the development.

So let's start working !!